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Robert McCreary

Hello, My name is Robert McCreary

Web developer and teacher of English.

About Me I am a web developer specializing in React and MongoDB.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Robert McCreary and I'm a Frontend Web Developer located in Seattle. I've been in the educational field for 10 years. I've done a number of side projects you can check out here.

My Skills

Mongo DB
Ruby on Rails

Projects Here are a few of my projects.

Software Screenshot

Magic Words for learning vocabulary.

Sniff out vocabulary. This a Chrome extension based on word educational word lists. The extension simply detects which words are on the page and lists them in the popup. It is not intended to be a dictionary. It’s just a tool to help students narrow down the list of word they need to study, or to allow them to produce a word list to study before tackling the article.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Prefix Free Pipes

Explore prefix-free binary tree encodings including Huffman encoding with a fun game.

Case Study
Software Screenshot


Learn English by doing voice-overs. The purpose of this app is to give a user practice listening to a short video or audio clip, then repeating it themselves. If it is a video clip, the user’s voice will be spliced over the video. Teachers can make their own lessons by cutting and uploading video clips with and adding a script in the target language.

Case Study